• The McCrone Mythology

    A 1974 memo written by Scottish Office economist Gavin McCrone has acquired a mythical status for Scottish nationalists. But how much of the mythology is true?

  • Infinite and Everywhere

    The journey to net zero means leaving behind the fossil fuel era, and moving towards a world which will power itself by extracting energy from super-abundant resources. This has profoundly important consequences for those attempting to prosecute an argument for Scottish independence based on resource nationalism.

  • Wrong With The Wind

    Scotland has substantial renewable energy resources, and that’s a very good thing. But hugely exaggerating the size of the potential resource for political purposes is not a good thing. This is the story of how the Scottish Government has for years been knowingly inflating Scotland's share of Europe's potential offshore wind resource.

  • Choose Your Poison: The SNP’s Currency Headache

    In an important new paper, These Islands takes a detailed look at the currency options to be debated at the SNP Spring Conference.